Wyndham Interfaith Network
Save the date Saturday Feb 6th 2021, 8:30 am -10:30a.m. Interfaith Harmony Week shared breakfast and reflection.
Registration required by Thursday 4th with WIN Secretary Erum Ali erumali2807@gmail.com cc Laurence Gray laurenceg@wyndhamcec.org.au
Location: The Views Bistro 350 K road Werribee. Please see here https://theviewsfunctionbargrill.com.au/ for the location and menu. We will all cover our own costs
Please bring a face mask to wear when moving around. This is able to be taken off when seated.
Please see information about harmony week https://worldinterfaithharmonyweek.com/
Please bring a print of a poem, picture or a reflection from your tradition to share that is linked to harmony. We will gather them up and photograph them together.