Encore events centre, Hoppers crossing.
Please enjoy these moments captured from the evening by Mohamed Nasir Noor Aliph productions. These show arrivals and setup. Ms Monica Raizada, Chairperson Wyndham Interfaith giving the acknowledgement of country Display tables and welcome blessings from youth of each of the six faiths active in the nest work. Cr Susan McIntyre, Mayor of Wyndham City sharing a welcome and passed to the Hon. Joanne Ryan MP, Member for Lalor to give a few words. Musical items and performances the Hindu- Sikh Community senior dancers. Keynote address on “Identity and Voice” from Uncle Andrew Gardiner. A performance from the Peace choir. Hindu classical dancers. Prayerful music and song from Baha’i communities. Desert Tea and Coffee and networking.
The Wyndham Interfaith Network meets monthly to share learning build understanding and address common concerns.
For further information contact enquiries@wyndhamcec.org.au