Community Services


CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services


Are you looking for a career caring for others?

Certificate II in Community Services is a great way to start your career. Whether you wish to work in Ageing Services, Alcohol & Drugs Services, Children’s Services, Disability Services, Housing & Homeless Services, Mental Health Services or Health & Wellbeing Services, this is the program for you.

Our Certificate II in Community Services is a great starting point for entry into these fields and a pathway to your chosen career. Get the most out of your passion and talent and develop the skills and knowledge needed to enter the community services industry.

Don’t wait… your exciting career is just around the corner.

Delivery in person 2 days per week over 6 months.



Please contact Wyndham CEC’s VET Coordinator for information about our enrolment processes, fees and other information via our course contact form or call 9742 4013.


Before enrolment, Wyndham CEC conducts a pre-training interview with each student to determine if this is the appropriate program for you. This interview will also find out your support needs and advise you of the expectations of the program.


Fee information is available on the Student Information tab on our homepage.

Students who are eligible for a government subsidised place will not pay a tuition fee. Eligibility will be established at the pre-training interview.

All students enrolled in Certificate II in Community Services will be charged fees for textbooks and amenities.

Wyndham CEC acknowledges the support of the Victorian government.

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to access training through the Skills First Program.



* This training is delivered with Victorian & Commonwealth funding

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