Wyndham Humanitarian Network
Wyndham CEC is the lead agent of the WHN that was established in 2006 in response to increased numbers of refugee and humanitarian entrants settling in the City of Wyndham. The WHN provides an opportunity for service providers and communities to work collaboratively to become a strong integrated network of support for refugee and humanitarian entrants settling in Wyndham.
The WHN works to obtain community feedback, identify issues that affect the settlement of new migrants and refugees, and provide positive outcomes in integrating the diverse communities of Wyndham. Chaired by Wyndham CEC CEO, Jennie Barrera, the WHN is made up of a Leaders Group and five Working Groups. The Leaders Group meets on a six weekly basis and the Working Groups meet on a regular basis depending on the group.
The five Working Groups are:
- Employment and Training
- Events
- Health and Wellbeing
- Legal, Housing and Consumer Issue
- Youth