Wyndham Anti-racism Support Network
Wyndham CEC is the coordinating centre of the Wyndham Anti-racism Support Network (WASN) established in May 2021. This local based anti-racism network is the first of its kind in Australia and aims to bring community organisations and groups together to provide support in how to best assist people who experience racist incidents by giving information, facilitating meetings and sharing of resources and events.
The network was established in response to the findings of the research report, ‘All in this together: A community-led response to racism for the City of Wyndham.’ VU researchers, Dr Mario Peucker, Associate Professor Tom Clark, and Ms Holly Claridge conducted a community survey, focus groups, and consultations with a range of local community groups between late 2019 and early 2021 to develop a ‘Wyndham Roadmap’ – practical ways that reporting and support services could be tailored to the specific needs of the city’s diverse communities.
At the centre of the roadmap is a three-tiered, community-led anti-racism local support network comprised of first-contact organisations, specialised support services, and Wyndham Community and Education Centre as the coordinating centre.
Chief Investigator Dr Peucker said the study found that a support network which takes into account the specific experiences and needs of local residents and builds on existing community structures “can break the often-silencing effects of racism and empower people to speak up about their experiences and get the support they deserve.”
To find out more about this network and our activities please contact the Community Services Projects Officer Valeska Zuniga via email: WARSN@wyndhamcec.org.au

Launch of the Wyndham Roadmap report and the Wyndham Anti-racism Support Network, 17th May 2021