Wyndham Interfaith Network

The Wyndham Interfaith Network was set up in March 2010 and counts over twenty religious and community representatives of diverse religions and beliefs in the second fastest growing Local Government Area in Victoria.

The primary aim of the Network is to enhance Wyndham’s reputation as a welcoming environment for people of all backgrounds, faiths and spiritual beliefs. 

The Network, auspiced by the Wyndham Community & Education Centre Inc., is a vital link in the integration of these communities with mainstream life, in fostering greater understanding and respect for their religious and cultural beliefs, vital in building a cohesive and harmonious society.

Supported through funding from the Victorian Multicultural Affairs & Social Cohesion division, Network members are actively involved in many innovative community building programs such as places of worship tours, annual Youth Leadership Camp and the Wyndham Multifaith Dinner which attracts over 250 residents.

In past years, the Network has also conducted a series of community education seminars titled “Know your Neighbours” that seeks to bring broad understanding between newly-arrived and older established community groups. The links formed through these events have led to greater participation of Wyndham residents in major social and cultural gatherings such as the Wyndham Multicultural Festival, Weerama Festival, Diversity Week and Harmony Day etc.

The Network’s activities supplement the work of the Wyndham Humanitarian Network, set up in 2006 to assist new arrivals to Wyndham, especially those from refugee backgrounds, and is focused on providing a “whole person” approach towards their integration with mainstream life. The underlying theme of the Network is to highlight and strengthen the issues that unite rather than divide diverse communities. The success of its activities to date attest to the acceptance and commitment of Wyndham residents in achieving this goal.

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