Adult Migrant English Program




Wyndham CEC offers the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) as a partner of Learning for Employment.

AMEP is funded by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs and provides English language tuition to eligible migrants and humanitarian entrants.

Participating in the AMEP gives you the English you need to settle, get a job, study, help your children settle and participate more in day-to-day life in Australia.

You will have opportunities to form friendships while learning English and learning about Australia.

Wyndham CEC, as a LfE partner, provides a range of flexible learning options including full time, part-time, evening and weekend classes.

We can also refer you to one-to-one tutoring by trained volunteers. LfE volunteers can go to a student’s home or a mutually convenient location such as a local library or community centre.

You may be eligible for AMEP if you have been:

  • granted a permanent visa OR
  • granted an eligible temporary visa AND
  • need to improve your English to help you live, work or study in Australia

For more information on AMEP click here.


AMEP - 75 Years - Empowering Through Language

Classes are available in Wyndham (Tarneit, Point Cook and Werribee) and in Greater Geelong (Corio and Geelong)
For more information about Wyndham classes call 9742 4013
For more information about Greater Geelong classes call 5215 6270

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