Vision & Mission

Vision Statement

Improving lives – Strengthening communities


Wyndham Community & Education Centre Incorporated will be a leader in educational, social, cultural and community services in Wyndham City and surrounds.

Our programs, services and activities will be responsive to community needs and provide opportunities for participation, inclusion and enhanced well being.


Due to the diversity of staff, students, board members and volunteers, Wyndham CEC is guided by the following set of values:

    • Respect – being aware of and valuing other beliefs, cultures and opinions
    • Integrity – being honest, ethical and accountable
    • Commitment – consistently achieving our goals, values and purpose
    • Inclusion – working together, connecting communities, celebrating diversity
    • Responsiveness – consistently responding and adapting to meet community needs

Wyndham CEC promotes these values through:

    • Providing access and equity to all members of the community
    • Implementation of its policies and procedures

Democratic Principles

Wyndham CEC supports and promotes the principles and practice of Australian democracy including a commitment to:

    • Elected government
    • The rule of law
    • Equal rights for all before the law
    • Freedom of religion
    • Freedom of speech and association
    • The values of openness and tolerance

Wyndham CEC supports and promotes these principles through its leadership of the Wyndham Humanitarian Network, its auspice of the Wyndham Interfaith Network, its Statement of Purpose as an Incorporated Association, through its policies, procedures and codes and, as a signatory to the Anti-racism strategy: Racism. It stops with me.

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