2021 Victorian Interfaith Networks Festival

On March 27, 2022 the Wyndham and Melton Interfaith Networks, in partnership with Wyndham City Council and Melton City Council and the Faith Communities Council of Victoria, held the 2021 Victorian Interfaith Networks Festival. The festival involved over 220 participants from Wyndham and Melton, and included stalls to learn about faith groups and two cultural performances. During his presentation, The Mayor of Wyndham City, Cr Peter Maynard, emphasised the value of the faith community’s contribution in response to the increased demands during the Covid-19 pandemic. This year’s keynote was delivered by Dr Mario Peucker, Senior Research Fellow, Victoria University. Dr Peucker spoke about ‘Social cohesion in a diversifying society’. A heart-felt response to the keynote speech was given by local member for Lalor, Ms Joanne Ryan MP who spoke about the value the Wyndham Interfaith Network and the value of faith communities in a diverse community. This event would not have been possible without the outstanding work from volunteers of the interfaith network and faith/community leaders; a big thank you to Laurence Gray, Eh Su, Monica, Erum, Sunil, Bhakta, Nooran and Sheik Abdulla. Thank you to Wyndham City for hosting the event at Encore.

Please see the following link to online videos of event speakers

Please see the following link to an online photo gallery


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